Instant Messaging Is Serious Business

Close-up of a hand holding a smartphone. The user is likely using instant messaging (IM) services, which have become wildly popular with the boom in mobile technology.

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In the mid-1990s, instant messaging (IM) services began to gain traction. These services quickly found a place among those who wanted to connect with friends and family both near and far.

The problems with these services in the early days were plenty. They were always tied to a single device. Mobile technology was still brand new. Laptops were available but costly. Even businesses with large technology budgets spent more on desktop computers. The business applications for mobile were there, but they were limited.

Instant Messaging Grew with Mobility

Moore’s Law helped bring the age of mobility for computer technology. Mobile is now standard thanks to microprocessors. Also, cheaper laptops means it is easier to communicate. It did not take long before businesses began to see the value. Email long played a central role. However, it was still too slow. In most cases, it was not accessible on phones either.

This did not mean that IM was perfect though. Only 15 years ago, in the early 2000s, instant messaging was still limited. Video and voice over Internet were possible, yet few people and businesses could afford the cost of the needed bandwidth. This just was not possible. The idea that one could do more than send messages quickly was almost out of the question. File sharing was around, but even that feature was minimal at best.

Fast-forward to 2016. Mobile technology now rules the day. This is true in our personal lives, business lives, and everything in between. Mobile communication and collaboration are now the heart and soul of life in the 21st century. Indeed, the growing importance of the telecommuting worker has greatly influenced this change of pace.

Presence Helps Us Stay in Contact

Knowing where and how to get into contact has always been important. It has also never been easier. Most IM services now include built-in presence technology. This lets us know anything, from whether a person is online to where he or she might be located. The increase in connectivity further adds a greater desire to connect and collaborate.

One need only look to Millennials as the force behind this change. Most Millennials grew up using IM on a daily basis, in fact. The use of IM tools for this group of workers has been more than just for social purposes. Most Millennials have a strong desire for more ways to collaborate. Many new IM services add more functionality than what was around before.

For Millennials, Collaboration Is Key

Deloitte’s 2016 Millennial Survey gave a few important points for businesses to take away. Firstly, that a good work/life balance is important to the young worker. Secondly, the ability to work remotely is highly valued. The survey also showed that employers should think about creating a collaborative environment. Many Millennials often have one foot out the door.

One solution is through IM with business apps. Instant messaging provides the freedom to telework while enjoying modern productivity tools. The technology behind these tools has also grown beyond just the ability to communicate with text, audio, and video. Instant messaging apps for businesses now include a wide suite of options. This includes screen and file sharing as well as presence technology, all over many mobile platforms.

Instant Messaging Means More Than Productivity

For many businesses, IM has proven more valuable than just increased productivity. Cisco Jabber is a great example of this. The instant messaging tool provides advanced presence technology as well as productivity and collaboration tools. Knowing who is available and where also helps to gain back lost time. Because Jabber is made to be used on almost any device, it is designed to help keep everyone in the loop.

Instant messaging tools like Cisco Jabber help to connect even the most physically separated groups. It is fast, efficient, and also fully integrated with many platforms, devices, and productivity tools. Cisco Jabber shows that when it comes to IM, faster communication methods mean business.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][mk_custom_box bg_color=”#f6f6f6″ bg_position=”left top” bg_repeat=”repeat” bg_stretch=”false” padding_vertical=”30″ padding_horizental=”20″ margin_bottom=”10″ min_height=”100″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]

Collaboration anywhere in any device

Cisco Jabber integrates presence, IM, video, voice, calendar, desktop sharing, WebEx conferencing and more.

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Fidelus Technologies
handles all of the installation and integration processes.

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