Ride the Big Data Wave with the Right Infrastructure

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]When the United States Navy created the Torpedo Data Center in 1938 as a means to quickly calculate how to fire a torpedo at a moving target, few people, if anyone at all, would have imagined where computing would be less than 100 years later. The same could be said of IBM, who many people credit, rather appropriately, for actually creating computing as we know it in the 21st century. Data process as we know it now, or better yet, Big Data, would have been impossible 100 years ago. We have now taken computers far past simple trigonometric calculations. In today’s time, computers can do more than just predict a torpedo’s necessary flight path. They may soon be able to independently design a torpedo without human input. We’ll let you run with the Terminator references yourself.

In the business world, this kind of computing power is becoming all the more necessary. Just look at large companies like Facebook, Google or Twitter. So much data passes through their systems each and every day – even every minute – that their computing requirements are incredibly enormous. Some 4-year-old estimates put Google’s data usage at nearly 200 petabytes a month. Given the exponential growth of computing, it’s easy to imagine that that number is far, far higher today than it was in 2012. You might want to take a minute to let that sink in. That much data processing for just one company? Imagine their IT infrastructure requirements. And, even more importantly, the cost and man labor required to actually keep that infrastructure up and running. In some people’s minds, all of this Big Data might be causing more problems than it solves.

One Big Data to Rule Them All

You’ve probably heard about the benefits of Big Data. In fact, chances are you’ve actually heard it several times today. It’s everywhere. And it’s the primary reason business computing processing needs keep increasing so much. Companies of every size are realizing how important collecting and processing data has become. With Big Data comes Big Data Analytics, all of which requires more processing than. It’s a never-ending cycle.

Something happened in 2011 and 2012 (we’re not sure what exactly) that caused the concept of “big data” to simply explode. Google Trends shows an extreme uptick in the term’s search popularity during that two-year time span when interest in “big data” (measured by search volume) jumped 375%.

It’s not as if the concept was new 5 years ago. In fact, the term was coined in 1998(pdf) by scientist John Mashey in a paper he wrote, consequently, on a coming “InfraStress”, or the fact that data needs were quickly outgrowing the actual size of data processing infrastructure. Some of those symptoms of infrastructure stress? As Mashey writes, “bottlenecks, odd limits, workarounds, instability, unpredictability, nonlinear surprise, over−frequent releases, multiple versions, hardware obsolete before depreciated.” If this all sounds familiar, it should. These are all issues many businesses are dealing with even today as they continue to grow past their own infrastructure needs.

Meeting Your Infrastructure Demands

Therein lies the problem with our ever data-hungry world. The more data processing we require, the more tech we’re going to need to process it all. And, as always, the more it’s going to cost. Businesses large and small are increasing their IT budgets and investing heavily in upgraded IT infrastructures that include cloud computing, hybrid cloud computing, and private servers. None of this comes cheaply. Although, for most small businesses, the biggest cost is in actually finding qualified individuals who know how to both set it all up, as well as manage it after it’s complete.

This is where Fidelus Managed Services come into play. Trying to navigate huge infrastructure upgrades alone is a dangerous road to take. Fidelus provides a variety of managed services which include helping businesses upgrade their data centers, as well as incorporate Cisco’s impressive Unified Computing System into their IT infrastructure plans. This includes setup and support for virtualization and cloud computing.

The best part? Cost savings, a high level of efficiency and professional service. Even medium-sized and large businesses can benefit from a helping hand. Fidelus helps businesses scale their computing infrastructure needs with their business. As your business grows, your big data needs grow right along with it. As John Mashey identified back in 1998, big data waits for no one. You either ride the wave or get ridden over by it. Fidelus helps businesses stay on top of the data wave.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][mk_custom_box bg_color=”#f6f6f6″ bg_position=”left top” bg_repeat=”repeat” bg_stretch=”false” padding_vertical=”30″ padding_horizental=”20″ margin_bottom=”10″ min_height=”100″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]

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